Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 6 - Visiting Terrier Rouge

Updated the descriptions for the photos!
We spent the morning moving rock and digging a trench.
scrambled eggs

At the breakfast table

Ramone welding the wheelbarrow
wheelbarrows were used for another job, moving rock with only shovels

cleaning out canal to place block

digging trench for conduit

Laying block

Gaelle helping out


Adding more block

Leveling the block

He is a strong man

mixing concrete

Silas trying to weld the rake back together

Trimming the wires

Cutting rebar

Adding mortar

We took a trip in the afternoon. We went to a congregation the Jerome helped start. It is in the city of Terrier Rouge. It was about a 45 minute drive to get there. When we got there we walked around town visiting and praying with fellow christians. After we did some visiting, we went back and helped teach Bible class for the women and kids. No men showed up, so some of us went to visit them during the classes.

airport expansion

Making the runway bigger for American Airlines

University being built

Christian sister, almost 100. She was the first to be baptized at the new congregation

Praying with a Christian brother and his family

What do you see here? This is a walk way between two houses. This is where the church first started to meet in Terrier Rouge. God is awesome, and the church can come together anywhere and God will be there!

A few christian sisters and their family

Praying for a sister in Christ

In front of the church building

Inside the small church in Terrier Rouge

Teaching the kids behind the building

Brenda teaching the lady's class

Jeffery liked to fist bump!

They like to have their picture taken.

New Industrial complex that is being built. Adding thousands of jobs!

First layer of block laid

Rock spreading progress for the day

Group devo. We have it every night.

Hope you enjoyed the photos.


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