Monday, May 14, 2012

Yard Sale Success!

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the yard sale. Whether you donated items, helped move items, helped sell items, helped make pancakes, or anything else you did to help us out, thank you so much!! The yard sale was a huge success. The pancake breakfast did not go so well though... But overall, we were able to make about $2000 from the sale of used items at the yard sale. The items that were not sold were donated to Somebody's Attic in Logan. God is awesome!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

We're Having a Garage Sale!

Our mission team is holding a garage sale to help raise money to go to Haiti. The money raised will go towards the projects we plan to do while we are there. If you have anything you would like to donate to the sale, let me know. Thanks for your help!